Skip Bin Hire: The Renter's Responsibilities

Skip bins hire is a great choice for proper waste management. Certain responsibilities fall on you when you hire skip bins. These responsibilities fall on you when the skip bin hire company delivers the skips to your premises, and hold for the entire hire period. It is your responsibility to do the following.

Check What Goes into the Skip

Ensure that you talk to the skip bin hire company about the type of waste you will be putting into the bins. You can get a skip bin suited for your type of waste. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not dispose of waste that is prohibited for the skip bin type you hire. For example, you shouldn't dispose of chemicals in a general waste skip. Similarly, if you hire skips specifically suited for hazardous waste, you shouldn't put in general waste.

Fill the Skip Properly

Overloading your skip bin can present a safety hazard during transportation. The skip bin hire company may even refuse to collect your skip if it is overloaded. You are required not to fill the skip bin beyond the rim. To avoid problems with overfilling, you should ensure that you get the size of the skip bin right. It falls on you as the renter to estimate how much waste you need to dispose of, and the skip bin hire company can help you identify the most suited size for your needs.

Ensure the Safety and Security of the Skip

The skip bin hire company will hold you liable if a rented unit is stolen or damaged while in your possession on your premises. It is, therefore, your responsibility to do what you can to minimise the risk of theft or vandalism. Choosing a good spot to place the skips is always a good place to start. Pick an area that you can easily monitor. Again, watch what you put in the skips and avoid overloading, as both can cause some significant damage to your bin.

Before You Sign

It is important to understand what your responsibilities are before you sign the skip bin hire contract. Do not neglect reading and understanding the fine print. Ask any questions that you may have regarding the same. Make sure you also understand the consequences of failing to fulfil these responsibilities accordingly. In the end, if you do your part, and leave the rest to the rental company, you can look forward to a hassle-free skip bin hire experience.
