Thinking of Getting a Skip Hire? 4 Ways To Ensure Safety When Disposing of Waste

Are you thinking of clearing out the clutter around your shed, or are you planning a major renovation project? In such cases, you need an efficient waste disposal method. Skip bins offer an easy and reliable way to eliminate large amounts of waste around your house. Large commercial buildings initially used skip bins to manage their waste. So, commercial companies have specific safety regulations for handling skips. On the other hand, homeowners are left to use common sense when using skip bins. If you are considering getting skip hire for your house, use the safety guidelines below.

Prepare the Area

It is vital to scout for a suitable location for your skip before it is delivered. The ideal spot should be flat and stable enough for the skip. Also, ensure the area around that spot is clear from all kinds of obstruction. That way, loading waste will be more straightforward. Finding and preparing a suitable place for your skip is vital to avoid damage or injuries when using skip bins. 

Fill the Heavy Items First

If you have moved before, then you have packed boxes. Have you ever tried stacking light things first, then heavier ones at the top? Such a package is difficult to transport since it could easily fall over. That's why it is recommended to put the heavier things like books below and other lighter items on top. The same concept applies to filling a skip bin. Putting heavier things at the bottom makes it easier and safer for the waste disposal company to transport the skip without the risk of toppling over.

Avoid Overfilling It

Every skip bin has a limit line that shows how full the skip bin should be. So, be careful not to fill your garbage beyond this point. Apart from being illegal, it is also dangerous to transport a skip bin filled to the brim. That's because part of the waste load could fall off, causing severe damage or injuries, depending on how heavy it is. 

Find Out What Isn't Allowed

There are specific regulations on which materials can be loaded in a skip bin and which one cannot. It is vital to understand which items should never go into your skip. That way, you can avoid situations where your load is not accepted, or you are subject to costly fines. Some materials you should never include in your load include oil, explosives, and asbestos. 

Skip bins make it easy to dispose of large amounts of waste. However, take the time to learn how you can safely dispose of the trash. Use the tips above and ask your waste disposal company for clarification if you are unsure what to do. 

To learn more reach out to a local skip hire service.
